Thursday 12 September 2013

Children of Men Analysis

In the opening scene the visual that is scene is a crowded café with all their attention on the T.V, at this point a man comes in. We can tell at this point that this man is the central character due to him being the only one moving at this point and paying no attention to what’s on the T.V

The movie is set in 2027, this is evident due to the it stating so.  However, you can tell also by spotting the high use of technology in the scene.
The amount of cuts in the section were minimal, this informs the audience that the director wanted them to see this world from his perspective, thus, lowering the quantity of cuts to make it seem much more realistic.

When the central character walked out of the café the cameraman had gone round (the 180 degree rule) so that we can now see the man and the café in the distance. The use of this is to make the audience not only pay attention to the man, but also the background. This would of built suspense in the audience since they wouldn’t know what would happen.

Friday 6 September 2013

My summer of Video!


Korean Festival yay

A very fun, but confusing day because Sundus and I aren't the best with directions and we've never stepped foot into Kingston before until that day.
The day started with us meeting up at the busstop and trying to figure out how on earth we were suppose to get somewhere we've never been to. After 2 minutes of 'hard' thinking we suddenly realised we should probably ask google map for help.
Finally, getting on a bus that we needed to get we felt at ease.
That was until Sundus reminded me that we didn't know where to get off.
So, the bus journey that was suppose to be relaxing ended up in us constantly shouting whenever we see some sort of park that could be holding a festival when we were still at the beginning of Richmond.
When we finally reached the festival we were both already unbelievably tired after the continuous walking in different directions and asking people in a quiet voice if they knew where the korean festival. Most of them gave us weird looks and replied with a blunt no but some gave directions.
After what seemed like years we arrived at the Korean Festival!
The festival itself was great! They played kpop songs and sold great food but the place was.... dead. Not many people came which was sad because it would have been much more fun.
We left the place singing Genie with a smile on our faces because the festival was an amazing experience.
But the question now was....
How were we going to get home?

Hyper Japan Experience!

Hyper Japan is a Japanese culture event in which people from all over the UK come to have a little taster of Japan! This includes dressing up as your favourite anime character, try Japanese foods and meet new people.

The hall the event was in was called Earls Court and the place unbelievably big! Since we were quite early their was no line to wait in which was a relief because later on the line seemed to have stretched on for miles.
The moment we stepped in we were greeted by a mass of cosplayers which I couldn't help but giggle at; not because of the bizarre outfits, but due to how uncomfortable they all looked in the super tight clothing.
Going more deeper into the convention we found clothing rakes (which ended up in me trying almost all the items there, not matter how tight it was) and stood in awe at how well made the clothes were.
Then all of a sudden, i saw a girl in the best Ren from Blue Exorcist I've ever seen in my whole enter life (more like the only one) So in my desperate attempt in getting a picture with the wonderful persin I ran towards her at full speed, losing sight of my shouting sister and giggly bestfriend I finally caught up with the cool but busy girl that was now lookinf at me with questionable eyes. I quietly asked her if she could take a picture with her but sadly, she was in a rush and couldn't. Disappointed, but still in in glee tha she has noticed me even though their were so many people around her.
After that multiple things happened such as:
• I took a picture with a titan
• I ate a lot of stuff, including octopus.
•I made friends
•We watched a really cool performance by these cool guys and got pictures with them
•I tripped too many times
Overall, it was probably the greatest day ever ok
ok bye